Not Another Crappy Orange County Teen Reality Show . . . Oh, Wait, Yes It Is

Can you smell that?

No, not the smoke from the inland wildfire of the week. That other, more ghastly odor. Go ahead, take a big whiff.


That, dear friends, is the smell of another lame TV show focusing on Orange County teens.

“WEALTHY TEENS: Has the recession affected your lavish lifestyle?” is the title of a Craigslist ad from Cast Iron Productions, and if you think Clockwork is making up the questions after the jump, well, you should know our imagination is not so good . . .

Have you gone from GUCCI to GAP? Car service to carpooling? Private Pilates sessions to a membership at the YMCA?

Do you come from a wealthy family that has taken a hit in the recession? Have your parents restricted your spending habits?

Have your plans for COLLEGE, the PROM, or a NEW CAR been put on hold because of the economy?



Cast Iron is “looking for REAL RICH KIDS with REAL STORIES” to share how the economy has affected them. Email them here and include your name, age, city, phone number, email address and a, “Specific example of how recession has affected your formerly lavish lifestyle.”

'Cause, you don't want them to have to guess.

Actually, if you look the part, they'll probably just make something up for you anyway.

Betcha Josh Waring has a story to tell!

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