Nguyen Wins

Garden Grove city councilmember Janet Nguyen is seems the winner of yesterday's special election in the Board of Supervisor's First District. The vote count currently on the Registrar of Voters website gives Nguyen a 52 vote margin of victory over second place finisher Trung Nguyen.

The big story out of yesterday's election seems to be the emerging clout of Vietnamese-Americans as a voting bloc, since neither Nguyen had the official backing of their party.

Is it too much to hope for that a photo will surface showing Trung Nguyen being consoled on his loss by Governor Schwarzenegger, John Wayne, and Abraham Lincoln?

Update: The day draws to a close, and things have gone from close to paper (ballot) thin. Now Trung Nguyen is on top by seven votes. Looks like a recount will be coming up, which means it'll be a while before we know whether a Trung, Schwarzenegger, Wayne, and Lincoln photo would show them all wearing silly hats at a victory party or not (Lincoln excepted, of course).

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