Monsignor John Urell Speaks!

About a week ago, we wondered whatever happened to Monsignor John Urell, the pastor of St. Norbert's Catholic Church in Orange and the longtime keeper of secrets in the Orange diocese sex-abuse scandal. Today, a St. Norbert's parishioner faxed us an update: Urell spoke to his flock this past weekend through the wonders of a church bulletin.*

In it, Urell thanks his supporters for “the many notes that have come to me, usually just at the right time when encouragement was needed.” The Orange County native revealed that he had suffered from “psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual turmoil…the last number of years” and told the faithful to await his return “within the first quarter of the new year.” Urell also reveals a spiritual insight: his time at the Southdown Institue for an acute anxiety disorder has reminded the padre to “pray for, in a special way, all those who suffer from anxiety and depression.” It's his politically correct way of mentioning what got him sent away in the first place: his role in THE BLOODY SEX ABUSE SCANDAL THAT HE WON'T EVEN MENTION BECAUSE HE'S TOO MUCH OF A *&$#%^ COWARD TO GO AGAINST BISHOP TOD BROWN. Sorry, where were we? Merry Christmas to all, and good night!

*We'd post the bulletin, but we don't know how to link in any .pdf's…

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