Mexican Consul Carlos Rodriguez y Quezada Set to Leave–YAY!

I knew something was up with the new Mexican consul for SanTana, Carlos Rodriguez y Quezada when I first heard his name. What's with the “y” connector–are we still in the era of las castas? When I then heard that his welcoming party wasn't at the consulate's humble offices off Broadway but at the hacienda of Mayor Don Papi Pulido, I laughed. Wabs of an High-spanic feather, eh? And then came the nightmare everyone predicted, as documented so brilliantly by former Weekly writer Daffodil Altan late last year (we miss you, Daffodil!!!).

Now comes word that Rodriguez is leaving his post effective Monday. His spinners told the Orange County Register that he was set to retire in January and is just expediting the process, and that's the biggest sack of you-know-what since the Register began referring to Know Nothings as “anti-illegal-immigration activists.” Speaking of those Know Nothings, they're protesting him as I type, which is the stupidest possible protest imaginable. Don't they realize that Rodriguez–who gladly focused on the higher-end aspects of Mexican society instead of furthering the Reconquista–is the best they'll ever get?

Next to become head of the SanTana Mexican consulate–one of the largest in the country–is one Alejandra Garcia Williams of San Francisco. Judging by her Facebook photo, she's raring to go!

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