Loretta Sanchez's $20,000 Gerrymandered Deal of a Lifetime

From Latino Politics blogger Adriana Maestas:

Loretta Sanchez's blond highlights = $90

Loretta Sanchez's skim latte = $3.75

Loretta Sanchez's gerrymandered district = $20,000

Loretta opening her mouth for the New York Times = priceless!

For everything else, there's Mastercard.

That would be the fantasy advertisement for Maestas' damning post on Sanchez, which follows after the jump. Clockwork also contacted Sanchez's office for a reaction. This post will be updated when that comes or hell freezes over–whichever comes first.


By Adriana Maestas

Last week, LatinoPoliticsBlog was in
Washington, D.C., and while there, I heard an astute political observer
say, “I sense that there isn't a filter for what comes out of Loretta's
mouth.” Well, sure enough, that often seems to be the case, but I haven't seen a blooper like the quote in Sunday's New York Times in a while. In a short piece, ironically titled Shrill Tones are Setting the Agenda (Rep. Loretta Sanchez's voice is most certainly shrill), about civility and politics, Congresswoman Sanchez offers this:

“'Twenty thousand is nothing to keep your seat,' said Representative
Loretta Sanchez, a Democrat. 'If my colleagues are smart, they'll pay
$20,000, and Michael will draw the district they can win. Those who
have refused to pay, God help them.' By drawing these convoluted,
noncompetitive districts, politicians are spared worrying about diverse
constituencies; nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in the
racially directed redistricting in the South.”

This quote is obviously referencing redistricting, which occurs
after every census. However, in admitting that paying twenty thousand
dollars to a consultant to have a safe seat drawn, Rep. Loretta Sanchez
endorses gerrymandering
and signals that she doesn't need any help from fundraisers because she
can buy her district mapped in such a way so she can win. Why would
anyone want to contribute to Sanchez's campaign after she made this

While following the money regarding Congresswoman Sanchez, I found this item from last week under “Dirty Money Watch
in the Washington Examiner. It is worth noting that her other
congressional colleagues gave their “dirty money” to charity, while
Loretta Sanchez did not respond to the paper's request for comment.
Rep. Sanchez has a pattern of not responding to hard questions.

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