Loose Lips Sink Freedom for Knott's Scary Farm Killers

Pete Kotz's online True Crime Report, which is “powered” by the Weekly's Village Voice Media overlords, has the scoop on two Riverside teen girls who wanted to go to Knott's Scary Farm in Buena Park in 2007, spotted a Chrysler 300 outside a restaurant and went in to find the

Angelina Arias, 20, decided to give Anna Alejandra Salinas and Dayana Cordova, then 15 and 16, a ride.

No, the debs wanted the car.

So, after Arias picked up her 9-month-old daughter, Salinas shot Arias twice in the head. Her body was dumped by the
side of a road. The gal pals drove around for two hours before leaving the baby on a random doorstep in Lake
Elsinore. The child was discovered two hours later.

Salinas was just sentenced to 59 years in state prison and Cordova got life.

It was not that difficult for justice to be served considering the way the pair “confessed.” Read that in Kotz's post.

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