Long Beach Colbert-o-scam?

On the October 16 episode of Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, television news anchor and Emmy nominee Stephen Colbert announced that he was “officially considering” whether or not he would announce if he was considering running for President of the United States, and would make that announcement “on a more prestigious show.” Fifteen minutes later Colbert announced his candidacy on his own show, The Colbert Report, saying he will run in the South Carolina primary as both a Democrat and a Republican.

The announcement came as good news for Long Beach-based auto journalist Micah Muzio who, in June 2006 started colbertocrat.com, a website which aims to rally the masses for a very important cause: convincing Stephen Colbert to run for president and spread his truthiness across the nation.

“I was thrilled,” Muzio said of Colbert's announcement. “I did a jig for joy because a Colbert presidency is good for America.”

Good for America or good for Muzio's pocketbook? Some may think its the latter due to Muzio and his little website's increased traffic since Colbert's announcement. Along with the significant rise in traffic came a “spectacular increase” in web ads. Leading to a profit of nearly $30 this past week!

Muzio denies that he and Colbert are working together in this money-making scheme claiming, “[Colbert] has to be aware of [colberocrat.com's] efforts because we are the number one site result for 'Colbert' and 'president' on Google.” He claims that he and Colbert have never spoken.

“The thought behind the site is that [Colbert] embodies everything that would make a good president: superhuman patriotism,” Muzio said. “I'd like to see him go all the way to the White House.” Sure, that and another $30.

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