Let the Mexican-Reviewing Begin

Your favorite wab invades bookstores nationwide on May 1 with the hardcover version of ¡Ask a Mexican! (pre-order your copy on Amazon now). What can you expect? Here's Publisher's Weekly take on it:

In Arellano's popular Orange County Weekly column “¡Ask a Mexican!” now widely syndicated and gathered in this acerbic volume, he answers serious, curious, and sometimes hateful but mostly irreverent questions about Mexicans. This book compiles what are presumably the best question-and-answer exchanges over the past two years, under topics including language, sex, immigration and food. Arellano wittily defuses bigotry and mocks stereotypes with his often well-researched replies. To the inquiry on the authenticity of flour vs. corn tortillas, he explains that the Spaniards created the former. “Why do Mexicans wear their clothes when swimming?” is a recurring question among Arellano's readers; his answer: good manners. In response to the vitriolic “What is it about the word illegal that Mexicans don't understand,” he points out that U.S. employers don't understand the word either. The author's relentless irony and reclamation of derogatory terms (e.g., “wab,” the Orange County version of wetback) is not for the faint of heart, but this approach is a welcome reprieve from common tiptoeing around the fraught subjects of race relations and immigration.

Here's the link (The Mexican is the seventh item down). In the meanwhile…pre-order the book!

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