Jerry Brown Wants Your Green

With the Golden State crumbling around the feet of the Democratic Party and an ineffective, GOP-loathed Republican governor, billionaires Meg Whitman (of CEO of eBay fame) and Steve Poizner (of state insurance commissioner and Little People, Big World fame) are whoofing up cash in their respective bids for the GOP nomination for governor in 2010.

This has led to the following letter from state attorney general, ex-governor and declared candidate for the 2010 nomination for Gov on the Democratic ticket, Jerry Brown.

Actually, if you haven't the time to follow the jump, his message can be summed up in these simple words:

Send ol' Gov. Moonbeam money!

(Jerry Brown 2010 supplied the links.)

Dear supporter,

I have had an unusual opportunity to see California State government
and its political process up close for a long, long time. I had my
first glimpse–in the fifties–when my father ran for attorney
general and then for governor, and again when I was governor. It was
profoundly different then. The schools were good, the state wasn't
broke, Republicans talked with Democrats and even voted together when
it was important to do so.

The last few years, this has
all changed. Acrimony and endless deficits have become the order of the
day. And turning it around, especially given the financial meltdown,
won't be easy. But I am trying. I am doing everything I can as your
attorney general to make sure that the law is on your side. I sued
Countrywide to restructure tens of thousands of mortgages, brought
actions against a myriad of scam artists who set up Ponzi schemes or
ripped off consumers in various and heartless ways, I sued employers
who cheated their workers and vigorously defended California's
environmental laws. Go to
Fighting for You for the full story.

I like my current job and
truly believe we are getting important things done. Yet, when I see the
mess in Sacramento and think about all the people who are suffering as
a result, I think seriously about running for governor again. It is
rather amazing that the same issues are still front and center: water,
energy, prisons, education and, of course, living within our means.

But before I make a final
decision, I would like to know if it's possible to build a large base
of supporters from every part of the state and even beyond. Two of the
Republican candidates for governor are talking about spending their own
wealth on hundred million dollar plus campaigns. To counter this
private assault on our democracy, people will have to join together in
a grassroots effort by the thousands and then by the tens of
thousands. We need to fight back to overcome what will literally be a
hostile takeover of the airwaves during the next governor's campaign.

would you be willing to join, even at this early date, and donate $25,
$50 or $100 to Jerry Brown 2010
and help change the corrosive politics
that is destroying our state? Whether I seek re-election as attorney
general or the governorship, I intend to do everything I can to turn
this state around. But I need your help and your active involvement.

Please forward this e-mail
and ask your friends to
contribute. Ask them to join our cause, to fundraise, become a supporter on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.

This state is desperately in
need of creativity and new ideas. The state also needs
–just as much
and maybe more–the know-how and experience to get this impossible job

you can today, please consider making a contribution of $25, $50, $100
or any amount you are able to give.

I won't let you down. We can
and we will build a movement–of truth, of creativity, of inclusion.

With respect,

Jerry Brown

Do you think back in 1975 Brown ever thought he'd one day be writing the words “follow me on Twitter”?

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