Jerry Brown Swings By Irvine to Talk About His Political Career

Orange County isn't exactly “Brown Country,” but ol' Governor Moonbeam himself, Jerry Brown, is coming here to speak about his 40-year political career and California's future.

That could be helpful, seeing as how your state Attorney General–Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr. is the full name, in case you've missed it–just happens to be running for governor again.


Brown will be delivering the Jack W. Peltason Lecture, sponsored by UC Irvine's School of
Social Sciences' Center for the Study of Democracy, from 2 to 3:20 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, in Crystal Cove Auditorium in the UCI Student Center.

This is a free deal, not one of those $250-a-plate rubber chicken fiascos your uncle drags you to. However, parking is $8 in the Student Center Parking Structure at the corner of West
Peltason and Pereira drives, and s
eating inside the auditorium is available first-come,

The son of Gov. Edmund “Pat” Brown, Jerry Brown's political career began in 1970 when he was elected
California secretary of state. He won the governor's race four years later and was reelected in 1978. Twenty years later, Brown was elected mayor of Oakland, and he became attorney general in 2006. In between all that, he ran unsuccessfully for president of the U.S. “Let Jerry speak!” the kids shouted when he was prevented from debating Slick Willie way back when. (That's Slick Willie Clinton, not Willie Brown. No relation.)

The Peltason Lecture, established in 1999, honors the contributions of
Jack W. Peltason, UC president and UCI chancellor emeritus, and his
wife, Suzanne, to higher education and the study of the democratic
UCI's Center for the Study of Democracy aims academic research and
education at better understanding the democratic process. More information on the event is available at the site or by calling the center
at (949) 824-2904.

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