It's Saturday Night: Do You Know Who Our Sheriff Is Hugging?

Flashback: Frederick J. Rizzolo, a Vegas titty bar owner, poses with Michael S. Carona, our self-proclaimed “Christian” sheriff, before Rizzolo was sent to federal prison this summer.

Carona first told reporters he didn't know Rizzolo, who–according to the FBI–has connections to legendary mobsters in Chicago. Then this photograph appeared on our pages and the sheriff's story switched. Rizzolo, he said, is an honest businessman. FBI didn't agree. As a high-ranking law enforcement officer said at the time that Carona is “dirty, stupid or both.”

In July, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU, an international crime fighting organziation, has indefinitely blocked Carona and his department from reviewing “criminal intelligence information” because of the sheriff's documented relationships with Rizzolo and con artist Joseph Medawar, who is also now serving a federal prison sentence.

During his first term, Carona's campaign accepted $40,000 in illegal campaign contributions from Charles Gabbard, a convicted felon (murder, robbery etc) who wanted the sheriff to lobby on his behalf with state officials. After the money exchange, our sheriff wrote a supportive letter for Gabbard.

I guess Carona likes to surround himself with colorful people. His hand-picked second in command, George Jaramillo, is currently serving a jail sentence after a bribery investigation. Carona's long-time drinking pal, defense attorney Joe Cavallo of Haidl Gang Rape fame, faces felony charges in an upcoming trial for allegedly running a bail bonds scam inside Carona's jail.

Who's your next colorful partner, Mikey?

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