It's a Quick Read 38: Missing Wednesday Edition

It'd be great if there was some great reporting assignment in a far-off jungle with an unreliable wireless connection that caused IaQR from appearing yesterday. The truth is, the author forgot to write it. And, judging by the avalanche of response from disappointed readers–an avalanche that surely will start any millennium now–it was sorely missed. Hopefully, this will catch you up.

Orange County Register: Witnesses who saw police shoot and kill wanted parolee Joseph
Anthony Galarza
, 22, of Santa Ana, after he
ran away and tried to jump a wall say the shooting unjustified. . . . Senior Deputy District Attorney Karen Schatzle alleges Senior Deputy Public Defender Jim Appel hid witnesses, leading to the dismissal of multiple child molestation charges against Jose Arriaza Magana, 33, of Santa Ana. . . . The gag order in the case against Sunday school teacher Melissa Huckaby, who is accused of raping, kidnapping and killing a little girl in Tracy, extends to an arson investigation in La Palma. . . . Costa Mesa police are investigating (and investigating and investigating) a topless photo of Gretchen Rossi, a bleach-blond hot mess on The Real Housewives of Orange County. Rossi's agent claims the photo posted on
was stolen. . . . America's Most Wanted's John Walsh writes a letter supporting Mike Carona to the judge who will sentence the OC sheriff-turned-felon. . . . A 72-year-old guy walks into a bar, orders a drink
and police arrive to arrest him. Sorry, comedy fans, the punch line
does not involve him waking up with his pussy hurting. Costa Mesa
resident Richard James Fenney is popped at The District Bar in Newport Beach in connection with the earlier robbery of a Newport Boulevard Wachovia bank branch. . . . Speaking of pussies hurting, firefighters perform artificial respiration on a cat in Laguna Woods. . . . County health officials want those crazy Christians on the Orange County Board of Supervisors to reinstate Planned Parenthood's contract. . . . Say it ain't so! Fresh N Easy stores are tanking. . . . Mickadeit: Did OC gypsies bilk Laguna Beach doctor for $1.3 million? (Note to Frank: write about gypsies, and I'll link to it every time.)  

Los Angeles Times: America loves its Obama. . . . A 15-year-old Long Beach boy is charged with murdering a man whose iPod the kid had just stolen. . . . The sinking economy is taking its toll on the annual Newport-to-Ensenada yacht race. . . . Members of the Kansas church led by the Rev. Fred Phelps of “God Hates Fags” fame will protest Corona del Mar High School's on-again/off-again/on-again production of the musical Rent. . . . The state accuses Wells Fargo of securities fraud.   

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