It's a Quick Read 19

Orange County Register
: Yvonne Pampellonne–who it must be noted, based on her DMV mugshot, “That's a man, baby”–is wanted by Huntington Beach Police for grand theft fake boobies. Okay, technically the 30-year-old is accused in a $20,000 arrest warrant of stealing another woman's identity to open a line of credit to pay for breast implants and cosmetic surgery. Dr. 90210 beware! . . . Anaheim coppers' surveillance of the poor may be illegal under federal law, according to San Francisco-based victim advocates. Anaheim coppers killing them is not, of course. The proposed extension of Laguna Beach's moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries may kill one recently opened facility. . . . Lansner: WE'RE NO. 2! WE'RE NO. 2! According to First American Loan Performance number crunching, California has dropped to second behind Nevada as the worst housing market in the nation. . . . There goes the Register again, calling a successful black man “arrogant.”

Los Angeles Times: Sigh. No new Orange County local news from the Times today. There is a Navel Gazing category called “Orange County Register Death Watch.” Methinks we need one for the Times' OC coverage. Even their O.C. Watch blog–which is actually the category for Orange County stories reported on the Times' L.A. Now blog, has no new posts between March 20 and 10 a.m. today. At this rate, these posts will soon become “It's a Quicker Read.” Sigh. . . . On the California page, there is a story on a construction firm being probed for leveling a Long Beach salt marsh. As Sarah Palin will tell you, you can see Orange County from Long Beach. 

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