It's a Quick Read 15

Orange County Register: Here are some select reader comments to a story on people camping out for tickets to President Obama's Wednesday town hall at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa: “He is owned by the same people that owned Bush, he is called a PUPPET.” “What do you expect from a Bill Ayers loyalist?” “Obama is no different than Blagojevich, he's just a little smarter.” “Like I tell my friend who is Chinese and who suffered under Maoism, if you liked China in the '60s, you'll love Obama in the next eight years.” [After a long description of what seems to be Obama's biography;] “Who am I? ADOLF HITLER. WHO WERE YOU THINKING OF?” “Young, stupid and unemployed zealots. They are sheep.” And these were just the comments on the first page!

Los Angeles Times: The free, student-run UC Irvine Outreach Clinic in Tustin helps fill a healthcare void in stingy Orange County. . . .  Surprise, surprise: Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas will not pursue criminal charges against an Anaheim police officer who shot and killed an innocent, unarmed, 20-year-old man in his front yard. . . . Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman is frustrated Kaiser hospital has not released the first two of her eight newborns to her new La Habra home. Has she even been at home to help get it ready for babies? . . .  Repeat sex offender Ernest Leonard Voight of Santa Ana gets 390 years in the pokey for molesting two boys. But with good behavior he could be out in 195 years. . . . The Angels are offering 36 seats in areas reserved for photographers during the playoffs for $215 each. Remember when the idea of even making the playoffs before the season started was a pipe dream for the Halos? 

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