Longtime Orange County Register theater critic Paul Hodgins is a good guy, great critic, and someone whom was once on the same panel with me judging a dog show. Yesterday, he wrote a blog post about how Westboro Baptist Church (they of “God Hates Fags” infamy) plans to protest outside Corona del Mar High School because its drama department will stage the Pulitzer Prize-winning Rent (there will be counterprotests organized by the Anti-Defamation League and other groups scheduled for 2:30 in the afternoon and six in the evening across the street from CdM). The picturesque high school earlier received national attention after drama teacher Ron Martin claimed principal Fal Asrani tried to ban production of the play.
Hodgins is restricted by the Register's family-friendly policy to properly show how disgusting Westboro Baptist Church's drones are. “The church has gained national exposure by appearing at public events to draw attention to its anti-gay stance,” Hodgins writes, but to say the pendejos are merely “anti-gay” is like saying Hitler was merely “anti-Jew.” Westboro, comprising mostly of relatives of head pastor Fred Phelps, has created such disgusting spectacles as protesting outside the funerals of Iraq War soldiers, and most infamously had an Internet graphic of the days it said that gay martyr Matthew Shepard had been in hell. May you actually feel those flames, Westboroans, for your sickening nature.
But, back to the Register. Per Hodgins, the press release stated:
“WBC to picket the (homosexual) play 'Rent,' a lying, maudlin piece of
propaganda about the alleged struggles of AIDS-infected (homosexuals)
in DOOMED aMERICA!” is the headline on Westboro Baptist Church's online news release. The release ends with the words, “God Hates (homosexuals) and (their) Enablers; Ergo, God Hates Corona del Mar High School!”
Of course, Westboro used the word “fag” and “fags” instead of (homosexual). They also threw in, “In religious protest and warning to the living, to wit: THANK GOD FOR AIDS!” and “Those who enable fag filth by such projects as Rent are also worthy of death (hell).” I wish Hodgins would've used “fag” instead of (homosexual), if only to show the world Wesboro's filth in all its disgusting shame, but we understand.
The best takedowns of Fred Phelps and his dipshit followers: our own Scott Moxley, and the Rotten.com library, which has this to say:
God may Hate Fags, but someone should tell Rev. Phelps he looks totally gay in a cowboy hat.