I Owe an OC Register Reporter Lunch Because of a Pedo-Priest!

Believe it or not, I have a couple of friends who work for the Orange County Register. Won't name names lest they fall under corporate microscope, but I bet one of them that the District Attorney's Office would never criminally try Denis Lyons, the longtime Diocese of Orange pedo-priest who has cost Bishop Tod D. Brown more than $4 million.

Best lunch I ever lost. Register reporter Rachanee Srisavasdi (not the person I will soon take out for good grub at a SanTana taco truck) reports in today's edition that DA Tony Rackauckas will try him for molestation. If sent to the pokey, Lyons might just become the third priest after Gerardo Tanilong and Andrew Christian Andersen to serve time for his rapes in Orange County pews. Hmm… three out of more than 30 verified OC pedo-priests and other rapist Orange diocese workers criminally convicted. Carry the one, divide the three, and that's a .100 batting average. You just might get to the Mendoza pedo-priest line, Tony Rack–congrats!

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