From Ready-to-Wear to Ready-to-Blog for Breast Augmenter

Remember our recent post about Ready-to-Wear Breasts?

The Costa Mesa cosmetic surgeon who performs the quickest boob job in the West now wants to blog for the Weekly.


The following landed with a thud in our email inbox:  

I know OC Weekly
online has a very user-friendly and FUN blog section online. I have an
idea for a blog, based on the newest and greatest trends in cosmetic
surgery, that I think will go over well with your readers!

Dr. Sid Mirrafati is a cosmetic surgeon in the OC and is known across
the nation for his signature breast augmentation procedure called
READY-TO-WEAR BREASTS. He's ready to blog about new, low cost
procedures for women looking to enhance, their beauty, in every aspect,
without breaking the bank.

Here's the latest on his READY-TO-WEAR breast procedure. I think he'd
make a spectacular contributor. He's booked solid almost everyday, has
very high-profile clients and would be able to weigh in on almost any
cosmetic surgery issue!

Let me know your interest,


Stephanie is Stephanie Tsoflias of Jolson Creative, which represents Mirrafati of Mira Aesthetic Medical Spa, where the cutter's “revolutionary new signature procedure” gets women in for safe breast
augmentation surgery for a few hours on a Friday and has the
women and their new racks back to work by Monday.

Working in Mirrafati's favor is his honored position as a trustee with the California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.

On the other surgical glove, there is this Ripoff Report.

But what seals our decision in favor of respectfully declining the good doctor's offer to join our crack blogger roster is the pitch itself. Specifically, it's the words “He's booked solid almost everyday” that give us pause.

Can you imagine having to quickly stuff new implants into a patient with one hand while typing one handed with the other to fulfill the Weekly's stiff blog expectations?

It's bad enough we make Bradley Beylik file his Wax On, Wax Off posts from Newport's 54th Street lineup.

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