Fear of a Gay Menace in Eight Orange County High Schools

Sacramento-based Pacific Justice Institute–which, as you read in R. Scott Moxley's recent blog post, just snatched Steven Greenhut (but not all of his writings) away from the Orange County Register–is raising alarm over the growing gay menace in public schools.

“Boy in a Bikini, Other Gay Films Get Wide Audience in California Schools” details how Youth in Motion, a partnership between San Francisco-based Frameline (“the best in LGBT media”) and the Gay-Straight Alliance
Network, is claiming to have signed up hundreds of public schools to show its films and receive other materials.

Wouldn't you know it, but at least eight Orange County high schools on the list of receivees, according to a link from the Pacific Justice piece.

They are revealed . . . oh, this is getting tense . . . after the jump . . . Set your gaydar on STUN!!!

Buena Park High School, El Toro High School in Lake Forest, Garden Grove High School, Huntington Beach High School, Ocean View High School in Huntington Beach, Orange County High School for the Arts in Santa Ana (a.k.a. Glee High School), Saddleback High School in Santa Ana and Troy High School in Fullerton have apparently availed themselves of Youth in Motion's handouts.

Look next for pink school uniforms, Lady Gaga fight songs and Powderpuff cheerleaders all year long!

Reports Greenhut's new employer, “One film
features a boy 'coming out' by wearing his mother's bikini. Another
film incorporates Native American spiritualism to cast LGBT (lesbian,
gay bisexual and transgender) persons as 'two-spirit' people.”

The piece notes YIM can be accessed here,
but warns “offensive content” may pollute your computer screen.

Well, your intrepid reporter checked YIM all right. And it is fab-uuuuuu-lous!

The “offensive content” apparently referred to the darkened photo that began this post. It serves as the background to the logo at the top of the site. There's an ad for the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival that includes photos from films you can scroll through.

One deviously shows a man lovingly tilting his head into another man's face. A boy in front of them appears perplexed in an I'm-a-teen-and-I-can't-stand-being-around-my-embarrassing-parents kind of way. Another shows a woman basketball player either bound for the WNBA or already there. Another is cropped onlyy to show the tops of two men's heads, standing far apart and . . .

Aw, fuck it. There's no offensive content on the site, all right? Check for your self, Liberace!

Ah, but it must be the “curriculum” and “action” guides that accompany the films that is offensive. According to the Pacific Justice leaguers, these “encourage students to question whether religious and cultural
celebrations, such as Jewish bar mitzvahs, wrongly discourage
homosexual and transgender lifestyles.”

Hell, one could rightly question whether religious and cultural
celebrations, such as Jewish bar mitzvahs, wrongly discourage
heterosexual lifestyles.

Pacific Justice Insta-toot concludes thusly:

“Parents are strongly encouraged to check the list of affected
schools or call Pacific Justice Institute to determine whether the
Youth in Motion curriculum is being used in their child's school.”

If whatever it is is making kids read, think and reason, what the hell is is doing at a California public school?

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