Drunken TBN Personality Steve Galiher's Mug Shot!

When those poor, desperate souls that make up Trinity Broadcasting Corporation's primary audience dial up Paul and Jan Crouch during the Praise-a-Thon and pledge thousands of dollars, I'm sure they never imagined their life savings would go toward the defense of a TBN pastor's drunk-driving case. Yet that is what will happen at the Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach this Friday, when Stephen Eugene Galiher hears his fate.

Galiher, of course, was the demon who pleaded guilty to two counts of driving under the influence when he plowed into a 70-year-old man on the 73 Freeway after getting soused at the Island Hotel (the man went on to pass away from his injuries). TBN workers get only the best (Galiher drove a company-owned BMW at the time of his DUI), so you can bet whatever attorney argues on his behalf this week for a lenient sentence will be big pimpin'! See you there, courtroom H1…in the meanwhile, Galiher's booking photo!

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