Disneyland Loves the Dodgers (Ingrates Edition)

Remember when Disney owned your Anaheim Angels? Yeah, we've erased that from our memory as well (though not that sweet, sweet 2002 World Series win, por supuesto). But the fact remains that Disney is still very much an Orange County institution, especially Disneyland. That's why it shocked us last night, as we were slipping into the food coma caused by the Los Angeles Dodgers' $35 all-you-can-eat right-field pavilion special, to see that Disneyland is not only a major advertiser for the Dodgers, it even committed treason. It happened in the third inning, I think (hazy recollection caused by five Dodger Dogs, two nacho helpings, and enough lemonade to irrigate the Blue Crew's infield), on the Jumbotron, when a cartoon of an old guy played a version of Three Card Monte using Mickey Mouse ears. Painted in Dodgers blue. Ingrates! We understand Disneyland might still be bitter over the whole Angels fiasco, but that's no reason to whore yourself to the enemy, especially while you're trying to screw over Anaheim residents again. It's (going back to sleep due to the five Dodgers Dogs I ate for breakfast today…)

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