Crazier than Crazy Bread

As soon as I read this story last Saturday about Pizza Patrón, a Dallas-based pizza chain that primarily caters to Latino communities, accepting pesos as payment, I wondered how long it would be before I read a story about the company getting death threats.  Answer:  six days.

The Associated Press reports:

The death threats and hate mail poured in almost as soon as the pizza chain's new promotion rolled out: accepting Mexican pesos as well as U.S. currency as payment.

“This is the United States of America, not the United States of Mexico,” one e-mail read. “Quit catering to the damn illegal Mexicans,” demanded another.

Very predictable.  A little tedious almost.

So far Pizza Patrón isn't budging.  The program is scheduled to run through February.  Hopefully, if the chain decides not to continue the program after February, those currently sputtering with rage will move on to confronting a true menace to the country:  all those businesses– and even government agencies– that accept Canadian dollars!

One Reply to “Crazier than Crazy Bread”

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