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In a column blasting USC football coach Pete Carroll's decision to score a last-minute touchdown pass against rival UCLA in Saturday's game, The Orange County Register's Jeff Miller called the move “tacky,” “silly,” “wrong,” “arrogant” and “childish.”

But how can we describe the Register's use of Miller's inflammatory column? In a blatant effort to boost the paper's Internet “hits” for the piece, Register editors made it the paper's lead online item this morning. Yet that move wasn't the shameless part. After all, whether or not USC's coach acted poorly has been a hot topic.

Here's what further demonstrates the sad decline of mainstream journalism: To see the column, the Register made its readers click 17 times for 17 tiny paragraphs.






But, at least, the financially struggling, bankruptcy bound Register will have impressive, if fraudulent, online readership numbers to show potential advertisers.

–R. Scott Moxley /  OC Weekly

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