Chapman Law School Dean Needs to Read Navel Gazing!

I appeared on KOCE-TV Channel 50's Inside OC with Rick Reiff a couple of weeks ago to debate Chapman Law School Dean John Eastman on Proposition 8 and other topics on which we mostly agreed. Eastman is one of the legal minds behind the Yes on 8 arguments that will be argued tomorrow before the California Supreme Court. Obviously we don't agree on gay marriage, but that's fine. What's not fine, however, is Eastman's insistence that same-sex marriages have never occurred in California. It's a point he made on Inside OC, and one he repeated ad nauseum yesterday on Patt Morrison's KPCC-FM 89.3 program.

Sigh. As I wrote back in October, not only has gay marriage occurred in California, it happened here in O.C., amongst the JuaneƱos, and I'm sure other tribes practice same-sex marriage in California. Eastman and his ideological ilk need to drop the absolutist arguments once and for all and just admit they're scared shitless about the gays being just like breeders. Oh, and John? For you to say that gays do have the right to marry–they just gotta marry someone else of the opposite sex? CLASSY.

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