Breaking: Three Candy-Ass Skinheads Plead Guilty to Hate Crimes–HAHAHAHAHA

*Updated, with new info after the jump…

Today at Westminster's West Justice Center, three of the four skinheads pertaining to the Candy-Ass Gang–that trio of pendejos (and one pendeja) who prosecutors
say drove into Huntington Beach's Slater Slums neighborhood on Fourth of July weekend with the
expressed purpose of beating up a Mexican, only to have their asses cracked at the hands of wabs–pleaded guilty to a smorgasbord of charges. Attempted murder? Yep. Aggravated assault? Por supuesto. Hate crime enhancements? You know it!

Bret Hicks–the one who openly spoke about murdering Mexicans on his white-power radio show–got 10 years in state prison. Brian Hanson–the one who previously spent four years in state prison for assaulting a random guy–gets 11 years and eight months. Michael Aaron Powell–the one already awaiting trial for stabbing someone in HB last year–will live on Easy Street: just five in the pokey!

And the fourth member, Erin Brooks? A court date is set for January to determine what happens with her. Lucky for her, she's the mother of an infant and might get sympathy for that from Judge Steven Bromberg.

More–much more–on this as I get info (am busy with a Catholic story–I'm warning you, Brownie…). In the meanwhile, special shout-out goes out to the anonymous Candy-Ass supporter who long-ago wrote “just wait till the charges are dropped fucking idiots.” All together now:

Previous coverage, in reverse order:

Slater Slums Smackdown
Candy-Asser's Lawyer Blames ¡Ask a Mexican! for Hate Crime Charges Against Client

Candy-Asser Bret Hicks on Prez: “Hang Obama”
Legendary Skinhead Martin Cox Hilariously Thin-Skinned
Did a Candy-Ass Gang Member Plan to Murder a Mexican Months Before Their Slater Slum Smackdown?
Stupid Skinhead Sartorial Tricks!

Candy-Ass Gang Pleads Not Guilty to Slater Slums Hate Crime; Two Like Mexi Culture?
In Praise of the Slater Slums 

*UPDATE: Courtroom witnesses tell the Weekly that presiding Judge Steven Bromberg called the Candy-Ass Gang a group of “despicable human beings,” and that their stabbing victim gave a statement to the court saying he remained traumatized by the attack and had trouble sleeping at night.

**The Orange County Register has published their take, and amazingly credited us with the revelation that Hicks railed against minorities on his former radiola, 88 Degrees. Wonder if he'll make guest appearances from prison? Also, reporter Jon Cassidy identified the victim as Sergio Hernandez.

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