Best OC Media Battle of 2007…

…isn't the everlasting battle between the Weekly and Orange County Register, Register staff and the new publisher, or even the Hatfield-McCoy madness that happened at this rag earlier this year and still persists (read a coming Hey You! for further details!) but the fight between two of our favorite local blogs: The Liberal OC and Orange Juice!. Late last year, The Liberal OC stole South County Democratic stalwart Gila Jones from Orange Juice!; this week, they swooped in and offered SanTana activist Sean Mill a home after Mill had a falling-out with head Juicer Art Pedroza. Liberal OC blogger Chris Prevatt announced the new development but couldn't resist taking a shot at Pedroza; in turn, Pedroza blasted Mill and continued the fight at the Liberal OC. Best part of this? All sides were at Memphis at the Santora last Thursday for Liberal Drinking, with Mill clutching a stogie, Pedroza working the crowd, and the Liberal OC guys bidding adios to own of their own.

It was like the scene in The Godfather when the Five Families meet and decide how to carve up New York–except remember this is Orange County, Juicers and Libs, and ustedes are far away from being Corleones. All of us fighting the good fight are still mere Johnny Fontaines, for that matter. So stop the bickering, get your wartime consiglieres, and go after the Turk!

(Sorry for all the Godfather references, but I've seen it three times over this long weekend…)

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