Because You're Ugly: Blacklava

A long-lost friend recently showed up on my doorstep with a gift in hand: this slogan Tee by Torrance-based Asian American clothing line, Blacklava.

The shirt's a spin on those mind-numbing “Everybody Loves A(n) _____ Boy/Girl” shirts of yesteryear. Remember those? Urban Outfitters hocked 'em for a little less than $30, and all you got in return was looking like a dumbass. Nice job trivializing your ethnicity, suckers!

Known for their shirts and sweatshirts championing various worthy Asian American rights issues—such as their “Details Assails” shirt (referring to Details magazine's major fuck-up with their “Gay or Asian?” column by the now infamous Whitney McNally—see that atrocity here) or “Asian is Not Oriental” top.

The company also supports Asian American writers, artists and musicians, even making merch for popular break-dance troupes and adorable shirts for Little Tokyo's annual Tofu Festival.

Purchase the “Nobody Loves an Asiaphile” shirt here or visit Blacklava's website to see their full range of clothing, CDs, books, stickers, buttons, paintings, accessories and more.

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