Because Even Bigots Need to Rest…

''…You should join them this Saturday in Anaheim. The California Coalition for Immigration Reform–authors of the infamous Proposition 187 and architects of the modern Know Nothing movement–will hold a potluck for all members and interested individuals in lieu of their usual monthly Nuremburg rallies at the Garden Grove Women's Club. “YOU just played a major role in DEFEATING the treacherous, life-threatening illegal alien Amnesty (S.1639) which welcomed foreign robbers, rapists, killers, smugglers and terrorists into our communities!” begins the invite, and it gets friendlier from there (and more than a bit arrogant: CCIR claims they not only “'talks the talk', but 'walks the walk' and played a MAJOR role in defeating the 'killer' Amnesty bill!). See you this Saturday–I'll be the one with the Tapatio-flavored Jell-O!

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