…You should join them this Saturday in Anaheim. The California Coalition for Immigration Reform–authors of the infamous Proposition 187 and architects of the modern Know Nothing movement–will hold a potluck for all members and interested individuals in lieu of their usual monthly Nuremburg rallies at the Garden Grove Women's Club. “YOU just played a major role in DEFEATING the treacherous, life-threatening illegal alien Amnesty (S.1639) which welcomed foreign robbers, rapists, killers, smugglers and terrorists into our communities!” begins the invite, and it gets friendlier from there (and more than a bit arrogant: CCIR claims they not only “'talks the talk', but 'walks the walk' and played a MAJOR role in defeating the 'killer' Amnesty bill!). See you this Saturday–I'll be the one with the Tapatio-flavored Jell-O!