As Cranks Get Town Hall Time With Royce, Websites Help the Rest Struggling With Healthcare

Cranks who wouldn't know true socialism from extreme botulism get to take some swings at Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) beginning this afternoon.

Royce holds a 1 p.m. town hall in the Buena Park
Senior Activity Center, 8150 Knott Ave. (just south of La Palma), Buena
It's actually billed as a “Combat Fraud Forum:
Information on Identity Theft, Mortgage Loan and Lending, Investment
Scams, and Charity Fraud,” and representatives from the Federal Trade Commission, the California
Office of Privacy Protection and the United States Postal Inspection
Service will be on hand.

But cranks who rail against Obamacare don't need no stinkin' topics! They'll show up anywhere and everywhere there's a Member of Congress to spew what Rush has programmed in 'em.

That's not all: Blogger Deborah White, who attended Royce's health-care town hall on Aug. 8, reported on TheLiberalOC that her congressman and his staff sat back and watched as 16-page
magazines were distributed with a “ludicrous cover” depicting Adolf Hitler
casting an admiring glance at President Barack Obama, who was surrounded
by adoring throngs of Third Reich adherents.

Perhaps similar shit will be spread around Friday when Royce mixes into the West
Orange County Legislative Committee's 12th annual Legislative Mixer,
which runs from 5 to 7 p.m. at Park Avenue restaurant in Stanton. The
West Orange County Legislative Committee draws from chambers of
commerce in Cypress, Stanton, La Palma, Seal Beach and Los Alamitos.

You know: Hell.

Other politicians who swear they'll be there for the “relaxed, casual atmosphere” include state Sen. Tom Harman (R-Huntington Beach), Assemblyman Jim Silva (R-Huntington Beach) and Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach.

Obamacare is not on the agenda, but no one said it can't be. And all topics will be open for discussion (i.e., ranting) when Royce hosts “Coffee With the Congressman” from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday at Kelly's Coffee, 9783 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove. Call his office at (714) 744-4130 for more details.

But before doing that, town hall cranks ought to pipe down long enough to listen to Jeannine English,
president of AARP California, who says talk of “socialized medicine,”
“rationing healthcare” and “death panels” is a scare tactic.

like these are not part of the reform legislation pending before
Congress, English adds.

What is a fact, English will tell you,
is more than a million people between the ages of 50 and 64 are
uninsured in California, and many more are under-insured. Royce and
others in Washington must take action now on behalf of all Americans.
The American Association of Retired Persons-California directs you to Health Action Now! for more information.

for those covered by what the Fox bunch calls “the greatest healthcare
system in the world” (even though the World Health Organization ranks
the U.S. at 34th, between Costa Rica and Slovenia), a new website has
come along to help Californians battle “junk” insurance, inflated
charges and the aggressive collection practices of private hospitals,
physician groups and health-insurance companies. Visit should you need assistance.

Tell 'em “Right Said” Ed Royce and Adolf Obama sent you!

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