Originally published Halloween, but moved up until Thursday because the comments left by Arpayaso supporters are some of the stupidest ever left in Navel Gazing history–and considering many Mater Dei grads write here, that's saying something…join in the fun!
**Updated, with new info on the bottom…
As we told you a couple of weeks ago, Orange County sheriff's candidate Bill Hunt, in an act of either delusion or desperation (care to weigh in, Bill?), has invited wasteful, moronic Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to raise money for him. Hunt has now revealed the location of his fundraiser: this Thursday at 6 p.m. at Anaheim's venerable Phoenix Club.
We will give Bill credit for his knowledge of Orange County, because only in this damned place will you find as much blind support for Nickel Bag Joe as the Phoenix area, where the hatred of wabs trumps everything, even a corrupt, Constitution-hating pendejo like Arpayaso. Wait a minute: unqualified support by most conservatives for a wretch? Hey, Mike Carona: where are you?
Judging by the Know Nothings that dominate la naranja, Bill should raise millions. Good for you! All other good people: welcome Joe this Thursday at 6 p.m. on the public sidewalks near 1340 S. Sanderson Ave., Anaheim. See you there!
*Only because Mike Carona is no longer sheriff, of course…
believe the flurry of misspelled email by local Aztlanistas over the past days (funniest one: the Facebook page, “PROTEST SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO IN ANAHIEM.” Raza: SPELL CHECK!!!). Learn more
about it on my radiola today on KPFK-FM 90.7 at 3 p.m. Know Nothings
highly encouraged to call in so I can ridicule ustedes further: (818) 985-5735!