So it turns out icky Monsignor Lawrence Baird won't give the invocation at the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting today after all as originally planned; Baird now says he has to give Mass at St. John Vianney Chapel on Balboa Island at 9:30 a.m., and isn't that as bullshit an excuse as you'll ever hear, especially given that Mass at the picturesque chapel is said on weekdays at 7:45 a.m.? Whatever; let Larry the Louse sink back into his depraved multimillion-dollar Balboa home. Besides, the focus of this post is on the man who invited him in the first place–Third District Supervisor Bill Campbell.
More than any Orange County politician since former GOP chair Tom Fuentes, Campbell has coddled protagonists of the Diocese of Orange sex-abuse scandal. He planned to not only have Baird give the invocation; he wanted Baird to swear him in! Last swearing-in ceremony around, he had pedo-apologist supreme John Urell do the honors. Doesn't Campbell read the papers?
Actually, no. In 2006, the supe told Orange County Register reporter Peggy Lowe he didn't want to read the depositions that damned Urell, Baird, and so many other GOP sweethearts because they would put him “ill at ease.” Not only is Campbell ignorant, he's a coward. Hey, Billy: without naming names, I know a survivor of the county's pedo-priests who lives in your district. The horrors they went through as a child would make any sane person cry. It's your duty to know and react to the concerns of your constituent. Yet, with your constant push for pedo-protectors to celebrate your public ceremonies, it's clear that not only do you not care about victims, you like to spit in their face. TWICE. Shit, your staffers can't even LIE properly. May the Redeemer treat you the way you treat sex-abuse victims, you sick excuse for a pendejo.