Newport Libraries Can Now Kick Out People Who Don't Shower

The library is a wonderful place of information and literary gems to be enjoyed by all. Well, all except those who stink up the place with their rank-ass BO.   
Last night, the Newport Beach City Council approved a new policy that allows employees to order people to leave for a “lack of personal hygiene” or for wearing overly strong perfume, the Orange County Register reports. 
Other new grounds for removal at the city's four branches: lounging on the furniture for too long (hey, there's always Starbucks for that), threatening or abusive language (hey, there's always Starbucks for that) and any illegal activity. Parking a bicycle or shopping cart in any other spot other than a designated bike rack is also prohibited. 


The rules were prompted by concerns that the libraries were becoming campgrounds. Costa Mesa is in the process of adopting a similar bicycle policy. 
It seems that the folks that run Newport Beach libraries are tired of dealing with humans in general. Last year, officials proposed a book-less electronic library, which would let readers order books and pick them up later in a storage locker. 

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