There are many nicknames for Orange County floating around. OC.
The Orange Curtain. Hell. Stepford with Mexicans. And so on and so forth.
But now, a random commentator has coined the best one yet: Cincinnati by the Sea.
It came about over at our Stick a Fork in It blog, courtesy of the latest racialist controversy to spring up in our shores: a Chik-fil-A employee identified two UCI Asian students as “Ching” and “Chong” on their receipts.
There's over 100 comments on the post, including some of the apologist kind, and then there was this masterpiece by a commentator identifying themselves as lakewood216:
HILARIOUS! Cleveland, of course, is hardly a heaven, but I never thought about the scary, right-on comparison between us and Cincinnati, that hellish city of prudes, pricks, and pendejos whose only positive contributions to America are Jerry Springer, Cincinnati Bengals Hall of Fame offensive lineman Anthony Muñoz, and fucking with Larry Flynt so much that it got the man ever more determined to fuck with Puritan hypocrites. Perhaps we should start a sister cities program?