The Bay Area has its own political Falcon Crest soap opera going on presently involving a former Santa Ana Unified
School District board member-turned-Alameda County supervisor, who is also the daughter of a renowned immigrant-rights
lawyer in Orange County. She's Nadia Lockyer, California Treasurer Bill Lockyer's wife, who was known down here for many years before the politically powerful nuptials in 2003 as Nadia Maria Davis. Now, the 40-year-old is being referred to as a substance abuser who was beaten by another drug addict she made a sex tape with while still married to Bill Lockyer, 70.
Oy, the best thing to do may be to back up and present the agreed-upon narrative:
In December 2010, a month after Nadia Lockyer was elected to the
Alameda County Board of Supervisors, she met Stephen Chikhani, a 35-year-old San Jose construction worker with a history of arrests for methamphetamine use, at a
Kaiser outpatient rehab program. They would go on to have a love affair that was exposed Feb. 3, when police rolled up to a hotel where the Mrs. had been roughed up. She wound up being hospitalized for head and neck injuries after allegedly being beaten by Chikhani, who later claimed to have acted in self-defense.
Bill Lockyer has put the relationship in the past by referring to Chikhani as his wife's “ex-boyfriend.” Chikhani has countered there is no ex- in the relationship, that it is still very well on. He has boasted of a sex tape Lockyer's wife made with Chikhani. Lockyer, who for eight years was California's attorney general, reportedly acquired the tape and then tried to get Chikhani investigated as a criminal stalker. Investigators later concluded the relationship between Chikhani and Mrs. Lockyer was “consensual” based on texts and X-rated photos found on her computer. Chikhani has claimed to have contacted Nadia since the hotel incident.
The Alameda County DA has since handed the case over to the state AG, to avoid bias because Nadia Davis previously worked with the agency on a domestic violence initiative.
In court in San Jose for a meth bust, Chikhani just claimed to a reporter, “There's a way bigger story than the sex tapes,” states the San Jose Mercury News.
Until next time . . .
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OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.