What A Hoot!

Saturday was the annual rockabilly festival Hootenanny in Irvine, and I had a rockin' good time.

There were tons of people, but not in the overwhelming I'm-going-to-die-of-heatstroke-and-no-one-will-find-me way of, say, Warped Tour or Coachella. People could actually find spots in the shade.

Lots of foxy boys (I left my taste for pomps back in the late '90s, but hey! “When in Rome” . . . )

The music sets were brief and efficient, 30 minutes and right on time.

Lots of vendors selling deliciously pretty little things.

Free booze backstage. Cold beer out front.

Social Distortion kicked ass.

Look at my pictures!

One Reply to “What A Hoot!”

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