UPDATED! Outgoing: Lila Downs Cancels Grove of Anaheim Show, Charlatans UK Scrap Tour

Yesterday, we shared a delightful Q&A between our writer Gabriel San Roman and Mexican singing superstar Lila Downs, in anticipation of her show this Wednesday at the Grove of Anaheim–a show that's now not going to happen. Turns out, Downs had to get her appendix out over the weekend. (As someone with the experience of getting one out, it's really not nearly as fun as it sounds.)

UPDATE: The Grove of Anaheim have announced a rescheduled date for the Lila Downs show; Sunday, October 25. Yay! All tickets purchased for the August 26 show will be honored.

Also outgoing, with more health issues: the Charlatans UK have scrapped all of their North American dates due to drummer Jon Brookes and his “longstanding shoulder complaint.” This includes a Detroit Bar show that was scheduled to take place on October 12.

Text of Lila's “I'm sorry I got sick” message to fans after the jump.

This is all straight from her MySpace:

Mee ncuentro un poco hinchada y somnolienta pero fuerte como un aguila despues de que me echaron cuchillo en esta mañana de agosto. A causa de
esta operación tuvimos que cancelar una gira importante para nosotros
aquí en los Estados Unidos. Ya salí con bien gracias a Dios de esta

I am a little swollen and sleepy but strong and thankful for a successful
operation of appendicitis here in New York. Unfortunately for this
reason we needed to cancel our concerts this week in the U.S., but soon
enough we'll be out there doin' our thing.

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