TONIGHT: Warpaint, The New Limb and Moonrats at La Cave

Free Friday fun! Alliteration! Bands! Tunes! Musical notes! Are you psyched yet?

Starting at 10 p.m. tonight, LA bands Warpaint and Moonrats grace the La Cave stage with their rock, and Costa Mesa band the New Limb (you've probably seen us writing about them here a few dozen times) drive down the street to join them.

Warpaint–Chris Ziegler wrote about them in the Weekly back in October–are about to tour the west coast with the Moonrats, hitting Seattle, Portland and SF, so this is a warm-up of sorts. Neither band has played around here in a while, so it's a treat. The Moonrats were started by ex-Pretty Girls Make Graves member Nathan Thelen, so, y'know, they got that going for them. The New Limb are always a sight to see live, and this is a week before their debut at the House of Blues Anaheim on July 24 (alongside the Union Line, the Jakes, Venus Infers, Great Glass Elevator and Rye Douglas Band). Heard Mentality mainstay DJ Oldboy will be spinning between sets, and booked the show as well. Good one, mate!

Oldboy starts around 9:30 p.m., and the Moonrats are scheduled for about 10:45. The New Limb follow, Warpaint closes. Whoo! And yes: free.

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