TONIGHT: Oliver Jane, Dash Jacket and Camp Out at Blue Laguna in Laguna Beach

We heart South County's Oliver Jane here on Heard Mentality–check out our recent Locals Only on the troupe if you're skeptical–so the news that they're not planning on playing any shows in a while is disheartening for suresies.

But that hiatus won't start until after tonight's show at the Blue Laguna Lounge in Laguna Beach. No, I hadn't heard of the place either, at least not until KUCI started booking shows there on Monday nights a month ago. Since then, the place has hosted local faves the Steelwells, Moostache and the New Limb; showing off their acoustic side. Tonight's show will also feature OC's Dash Jacket (whose MySpace extension is the interesting “hatepophatepop”) and Camp Out (from San Francisco!). Also: it's free.

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