TONIGHT: Dam Funk performs with Mayer Hawthorne and the County

Now that the force-fed mushiness of Feb. 14 is several days behind us, you are finally free to spend some time with your real first love…music. After all, it's the one of the few things in your life that is always there to comfort you, and at the same time understands when you have other shit to do. It always knows just the right thing to say, sing or play to make you fall in love with it all over again, even if you haven't seen each other for a while. It knows exactly what you like and how to give it to you. And best of all, tonight you don't even have to pay for it!

Armed with crate-loads of throwback thrills and progressive passion, L.A.'s illustrious Stones Throw Records prepares to invade The Continental Room in downtown Fullerton (home of great music with no cover charge). Funkmosphere pioneer DJ Dam Funk and sweet soul crooner Mayer Hawthorne join forces to create a recipe for raw and real sonic romance. Maintaining his status as a main player in the L.A. club scene, Dam Funk's fascination with the Purple-Reign era and the spacey funk of yester year continues to make him an undeniable force on any dance floor. As for Mayer Hawthorne and his band “The County”, looks are definitely deceiving. You wouldn't necessarily expect a skinny white kid from Michigan to produce the sultry soul he weaves on his retro drenched tunes like “Maybe So, Maybe No”, or “Just Ain't Gonna Work Out”. But I dare you to try and stand still when he hits the stage. 

Catch both of these artists before they set out with their fearless captain Peanut Butter Wolf on a month-long voyage to Europe.  This is your last chance to fall in love with a sound that warrants a heat-shaped LP.



One Reply to “TONIGHT: Dam Funk performs with Mayer Hawthorne and the County”

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