TONIGHT: Cory Case, Stacy Clark, Faded Paper Figures, Melanoid, Venus Infers at Slidebar

Tazy Phyllipz is known for a couple of things–having more “Zs” in his name than most this side of Eastern Europe, and for spending many years promoting the Orange County music scene. He hasn't slowed down, and is now booking showcases at Slidebar in Fullerton. One such is tonight: a free one from Cory Case (pictured, the winner of “best live acoustic” at the OC Music Awards this year), Stacy Clark, Faded Paper Figures, Melanoid and Venus Infers. Faded Paper Figures–some of them, at least–are moving to the east coast in a few months, so  this may be one of your last chances to see them 'round here.

We've written about nearly all of these folks before–positive stuff, even! Check out Rex Reason's Aural Reports on Cory Case from back in October of last year, my Locals Only on Faded Paper Figures, my Locals Only on Melanoid, and we've written a goodly amount on Venus Infers, including this interview with lead singer Davis Fetter about local bands getting their music on the tube. Stacy Clark, well, consider this an I.O.U.

Set times after the jump, accurate as of the last flier I've seen for the show…

9 p.m.: Cory Case
9:30 p.m.: Stacy Clark
10:30 p.m.: Faded Paper Figures
11:15 p.m.: Melanoid
Midnight: Venus Infers

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