Tomorrow: Death by Stereo at Fingerprints

OC hardcore stalwarts Death by Stereo has a new album called Death is My Only Friend coming out tomorrow on Serjical Strike Records (owned by System of a Down's Serj Tankian). To celebrate, the group is playing an in-store at Long Beach's Fingerprints.

To get “tickets” to this show, you have to pre-order the new record. Considering the event is tomorrow, you might wanna get on that like ASAP. If there is any room left, admittance will be first come first served. But if you're planning on going to this, why not just buy the damn record? That's what people did in my day (damn I sound old).

DBS play at 7 and are sticking around afterward to sign and chill and hang and bro out and kick it old school and let it all hang loose.

For those who can't get in to this tiny venue, DBS is also playing a more official release July 17 at Chain Reaction.

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