TODAY: Noisettes In-store performance at Fingerprints

If London garage-soul band Noisettes ever decided to consider a name change, might I suggest the “Freakish DNA”? It seems to fit them to a “T”. Let's start with their front woman, Shingai Shoniwa. C'mon, a beautiful woman who can sing AND play bass? Can you say rare? Then of course there is the stunning intermingling of the band's sonic make up, thanks in part to guitarist Dan Smith and drummer Jamie Morrison. Together the band are a prime example when it comes to adding their own spin on sultry Motown era R&B by injecting a dose of distorted lightning and Shoniwa's signature vocals. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out their myspace HERE.

Today, the band finds itself in the L.A./Long Beach area, first in the studio at KCRW 89.9 FM and later on at Fingerprints record store in Long Beach. Unfortunately their new album isn't on the shelves yet, but really, who cares as long as you can here them live? They are doing a special acoustic performance starting at 7 pm inside the store which will be recorded, and probably sold to you at a later date. Of course if you want to go to the show, I would suggest calling the store ahead of time and getting your name on the RSVP list. This in-store, like almost all the others at Fingerprints, is sure to get crowded.

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