Thoughts/Slideshow: OC Music Awards Showcase Night Five at Chain Reaction

We were at night five at the OC Music Awards showcases last night, the first (of two) at Chain Reaction. John Gilhooley took some fab pics, check them out here. My thoughts? They're after the jump!


I was a little tired all night, but one person clearly was
not–Franki Doll of Huntington Beach's Franki Doll and the Broken Toys. I had never heard
of them before, but she, along with the rest of the band, gleefully appropriating every rock and roll cliche during their half-hour performance:
stagediving (despite that clearly being against the posted rules of the
venue! scandalous!), singing in the crowd, power slides, etc. The crowd seemed to dig it.

Not that there was too much of a crowd–the early start and the $10 cover made it one of the lesser attended showcases I've been to so far.

Twentyfour64 was fun, their lead singer had a unique energy that was pretty endearing. I was glad I got to see Dolphin City, who I had written about before, seeing them live was a definitely different experience than listening to their record–more extended jams than I expected. The showcases continue at Chain Reaction for one more Tuesday, than move over to eVocal.

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