Thee Makeout Party! Release New…Cassette

Anaheim's Thee Makeout Party! are clearly pretty fun and pretty wacky: they have a song about the Disneyland Jungle Cruise, for instance. (The fact that they produce exceptional pop-rock shouldn't be ignored, either, check out our review of Play Pretend.) So it's not surprising that their latest release, Seven New Songs, isn't being released online or as a CD: it's only available as a cassette, and only at their shows. Once the run of 250 tapes is up, that's it.

Luckily, they've got a couple shows coming up: October 19 at the Bootleg Theatre in Los Angeles, and October 24 at the Juke Joint in Anaheim.

Putting out tapes is old hat for Thee Makeout Party!–members Sean Bohrman and Lee Noise co-run Burger Records, and have released tapes for Audacity, Nobunny and Devon Williams, among others. They put out vinyl, too. And CDs too, occasionally, though probably only begrudgingly.

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