Street Scene Favorites This Weekend….Any Thoughts?

It's not much, but consider this meager post the first preemptive stitch to our coverage of the Street Scene '09 festival happening in Sand Diego this weekend, Aug. 28-29. Before you say anything, we know that San Diego is not in Orange County. Though it could be argued that some cities at the ass end of the OC seem just a far away in the middle of rush hour traffic.

But geographical questions aside, our music editor Albert Ching will be giving you some up close iPhone coverage of the whole shebang, along with help from photographer Beth Stirnaman and…myself (I'm just going for the party). But yeah, it appears that the 25th anniversary of ths SD music fest has brought out a swell of indie star power and even some mainstream radio star power (thanks, Black Eyed Peas). And for those who missed out on Coachella and can't make the drive to the Outsidelands Festival in San Fran, this is the perfect opportunity to see almost the exact same line up. Literally, check it out HERE. See any familiar names?

Well for those of you who are fortunate enough to go down south this weekend, we were wondering who you're interested in seeing the most? I know, we're soooo nosy. But seriously, is it the chance to see Chuck D and Flavor Flav of Public Enemy that floats your boat (though I can't believe how low they are on the festival flier YET AGAIN). Or maybe you're looking forward to some Holy Fuck and Busta Rhymes. C'mon….tell us. We won't judge you, that much.

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