Slideshows: The Prodigy! Fleetwood Mac! Scott Weiland! Eep!

Do you like looking at pictures of famous musicians in concert at various Orange County venues? Oh boy, is this the blog post for you! Why, we've got the Prodigy at the Grove of Anaheim, from just yesterday! Photographed by Robert Fayette. And Glitch Mob opened, too. Then swing the musical pendulum around about 180 degrees and land on Fleetwood Mac playing the Honda Center, also in Anaheim, this past Saturday. Fever Dragon took those pics. Want more? OK, sure! Scott “Stone Temple Pilots/Velvet Revolver/drug problems” Weiland (pictured) played the House of Blues (also ALSO in Anaheim) this past Saturday, with good ol' Robert Fayette doing that one. Indulge your clicking impulses.

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