Showgazing: Dusty Rhodes and the River Band at Alex's Bar

Despite the conventional wisdom that tells us that Sunday nights are meant for sleep, it's good to see that the crowd at Alex's Bar continues to know better. Opting to drain every last drop of weekend fun from the seventh day, fans of Dusty Rhodes and the River Band, Olin N the Moon, Yellow Red Sparks and Death Hymn Number 9 turned out with tall cans of PBR in hand.

Things kicked off around 9:30 p.m. with a performance by Death Hymn Number 9, who should have been right at home under the crimson lights and skeleton-frocked decor of the LBC's beer guzzling shrine to the Day of the Dead. And though some people (ahem, me) might have gotten there a little late to check out the performance, the chaos of their ballsy blues thrash had to be a hit with unsuspecting locals. After all, it's not often that three dudes with zombie face paint jump on stage and brutalize their instruments for 30 minutes.  

They were followed by something slightly more down tempo, the folksy
spirit of Yellow Red Sparks. Supported by sweet strumming, snare slaps
and smoldering bass, frontman Josh Hanson crooned to fans perched on
bar stools and those bobbing their heads a healthy distance away from
the stage. By their last song, “A Play to End All Plays”, their
thumping tales of tangled love troubles roped in a few more waves of
new fans.

As the party atmosphere thickened and more people piled in, LA indie
rockers Olin and the Moon unloaded their gear on stage. Sporting a safe
twist on Ryan Adams-esque rock-n-roll, the band hit the ground running
with some upbeat folk rattlings complete with banjo, lap steel and gang
harmonies. Even if you're not exactly a fan of flannel-wearing country
twang, O&TM was a decent warm-up to the curly-haired keyboard
frenzy of Dusty Rhodes and the River Band.

It's been a while since Dusty Rhodes breezed into town and onto the
stage, especially considering that they've spent most of their time on
tour since the release of their latest record Palace and Stage. But
every time this Anaheim-based band returns it's obvious that their
OC/LB fan base hasn't forgotten them. And as Sunday night stretched
into Monday morning, die hard lovers of accordion thrash and
shout-out-loud hooks pressed to the front of the stage as Dusty Rhodes
smashed through a blend of old and new tracks, from “Dear Honey” to
“W.W.M.D.?” and a lot in between as the gravelly growl of front man
Dustin Apodaca traded with the vocals of guitarists Edson Choi and Kyle
Divine. The band is hitting home turf again this week as they open for
State Radio at The House of Blues in Anaheim on Thursday, October 8.
Hopefully the crowd can maintain some of that Sunday night energy for
the big night.

One Reply to “Showgazing: Dusty Rhodes and the River Band at Alex's Bar”

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