RX Bandits Performance Airs on Fuel TV…Again

It's sort of last minute, but if you're chilling in front of your computer surfing music blogs today, then you probably have time to check out a repeat performance of RX Bandits this afternoon on Fuel TV's The Daily Habit (for those still rocking basic cable, you'll probably have to wait a week or so before they put it online). Their performance airs today at 2:30 EST/ 11:30 p.m. PST and 5:30 EST/ 2:30 p.m. PST. Consider it a post-Thanksgiving gift for those who didn't catch it when it originally aired last night. Not to spoil it or anything, but the band plays two songs from their latest album Mandala, “My Lonesome Only Friend” and “It's Only Another Parsec…”

They're also sharing the show's 30-minute time slot with skateboard legend Tony Hawk, who talks to the show's host Pat Parnell about his latest video game,”Tony Hawk Ride.” If you're reading this now, chances are that your window of opportunity to check out RXB's performance is getting slimmer by the second. Do yourself a favor and ride out the rest of your Turkey hangover on the couch with some Fuel TV. Hopefully you didn't miss it yet.

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