R.I.P. Lance Romance, Lead singer of The Attraction

Martin Brown, producer of the Orange County Music Awards, gives us the news that Lance Romance, lead singer of longtime OC band the Attraction, died of a heart attack in his Huntington Beach home on Saturday, November 10th. He was only 36. Writes Martin:

“Lance (real last name: Faulk) was living on borrowed time, having had heart problems for many years. Known for his crazy antics and incredible energy, both on and off stage, Lance believed in living life to the full. In Orange County, where even musicians blend in easily with the standard crowd at generic restaurants and bars, Lance stood out. His preference for makeup and hats (a la Clockwork Orange) made him noticeable in a positive way. He was having fun at the world’s expense!

As the lead singer and main songwriter of his band, Lance will be irreplaceable. But, more than this, he will be missed by his young son Wylan, who was such an important part of Lance’s life. Why these things have to happen is completely beyond my comprehension, and I just count myself as lucky to have had the pleasure of working with Lance on many different musical projects. Lance Romance may have died, but his two-foot silver sparkling penis will live on forever.”

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