OC Music Magazine Hold 'Locals Only Showcase,' Write About Walk-In Medical

I wrote about Walk In Medical (pictured here in a now-outdated lineup) back in late November, in our Locals Only section. I though their EP, The Recluse, was promising, and am glad to see that they're still going and got some coverage from another publication, newly debuted local start-up OC Music Magazine. The article is here, and details the band's songwriting process and lineup changes. Only one weird thing: when writing about this year's addition of new bassist David Sachs, it neglects to mention that it is, in fact, the same David Sachs that is the “Publishing Editor” of OC Music Magazine.

In all fairness, it's not like they're trying to hide it, either. The name David Sachs is clearly there on OC Music Magazine's main page as publishing editor, and anyone could (relatively) easily connect the
dots. The story is credited to Nate Phillips (who, as far as we can tell, is not a member of the band), not Sachs himself. It's just a little odd–to say the least–to not plainly spell it out for readers, given that such a thing is essentially Journalism 101. Full disclosure
and all that.

Which is not to take anything away from the publication's efforts. The more people writing about and creating enthusiasm for local music the better. Also, they've assembled a show tonight at the Yost Theatre, with Entice, Jimmy Z and the Z-Tribe, Dreams Unseen and, you guessed it, Walk In Medical. Flier is here. The show is co-presented by the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund, whom we wrote about here.

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