LATE SLIP: Alex's Bar = Fangtasia in 'True Blood'

So, apparently everyone else already knew this a year ago, but apparently Alex's Bar in Long Beach is used as the location for “Fangtasia,” the vampire bar on HBO drama True Blood, currently in its second season.

I just learned this yesterday through a post on The District's site. I posted about it on our Twitter, and got some typical responses, like “good question, because i think everyone else in the OC figured it out last season.. lol,” from the amusingly Twitter-named “drnkandfkedup.

In my defense, I've never seen one minute of True Blood, since
I'm a dude and all. (Confession #1: I've watched many, many girly TV
shows in my time, just not this one, yet. Confession #2: I've seen some
screen caps of the show's nude scenes on some of the blogosphere's
seedier sites.)

Still, I feel like I should have known about this, especially given my status as a former acclaimed TV writer (check out this stellar piece on the American Gladiators tryouts in Chandler, Arizona!).
Looking at pictures of “Fangtasia” online, especially this one, make it pretty obvious that it is indeed the beloved LB venue.

What else am I missing? Is the Pike being used as a hangout spot on Nurse Jackie? Please, let me know!

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